Annual Report 2023/2024

Northallerton Town Council welcomed residents and community groups to its Annual Meetings, discussing topics such as the future of the former Grammar School field, provision of an arts and culture space and addition of names to the cenotaph.  An Annual Report detailing the Council’s progress in 2023/2024 was also shared.

Cllr Phil Eames was elected Mayor of Northallerton, with Cllr Paul Cornfoot taking the role of Deputy Mayor. Cllr Eames offered thanks to councillors for their vote of confidence, saying “I am happy to continue to move our strategic plan forward, represent the town and build on Northallerton’s reputation as an active and engaging town council.”

A key part of this role is the positive relationship with RAF Leeming, he added “we are proud to be hosting the Freedom Parade on 31st May, celebrating our close links with the RAF”.

Many people are expected to join this event on the High Street on Friday 31st May, from 10:00am, where the RAF will exercise their right to parade through the town with drums beating and bayonets fixed! More information is available from