Northallerton Town Council hosted the Annual Parish Meeting in Northallerton Town Hall on 15th May, attended by councillors and more than 30 members of the public, including representatives of various community groups working in the Town.
The Annual Parish Meeting is the meeting where the council reports to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year (running from April to March), and where residents can raise questions, comments or suggestions.
Introducing the Town Council’s 2022-23 Annual Report, Mayor Cllr Phil Eames said the report shows the wide range of activities that councillors and staff have been involved in. He said the securing funding for the new public toilets and the creation of new allotments were probably the highlights of the last year. He also drew attention to the success of the community garden projects and how pleased the Council is to be supporting Incredible Edible Northallerton. He praised how good the Town looked throughout the year thanks to the Council’s staff, the work of the litter picking volunteers and the support of the Town’s two Rotary groups, and mentioned the success of the Christmas Event due to the hard work put in by community volunteers, assisted by the Town Clerk.
A number of residents spoke at the meeting. A Rotary member asked whether the Town Council would have more or less powers with the new Unitary Authority in place, to which Cllr Eames replied that the Town Council has committed to working closely with the new authority, and that there might be possibilities for it to assume more responsibilities in the future. A local volunteer with children’s groups stressed the importance of the various tots sessions in helping to nurture pride in the Town amongst its young people and invited councillors to visit these meetings. A spokesperson from the Homegrown Food Festival thanked the Town Council for its support this year’s event and urged all those present to attend the event on Sunday 25th June. And team member from Youthspace thanked the Town Council for its support to Northallerton Youthspace, which runs every Tuesday evening in the Town Hall.
The Town Council’s Annual Report can be viewed or downloaded here Annual > Northallerton Town Council