Latest News

Queen Elizabeth II

Councillors and staff of Northallerton Town Council extend heartfelt condolences to the King and members of the Royal Family following the sad news of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. "On behalf of Northallerton Town Council and the Town of Northallerton, we send...

Press Release 29th June 2022

Northallerton Town Council is pleased to announce a new agreement with Hambleton Community Action (HCA) under which HCA will use the proceeds of Grace Gardner Trust to achieve the Trust’s aim of alleviating hardship amongst older people living in Northallerton. The...


Youthspace are looking for Volunteers in Northallerton, please get in touch if you can help.

Community Spirit Award

Northallerton Town Council was delighted to sponsor the Community Spirit Award, at the recent BID Awards Ceremony. This category honoured a person or business who has really made a difference in our local community and has had a measured and sustainable impact on both...

Public Toilet Provision

The Town Council is keen to take the next steps to providing additional toilet facilities in Northallerton. A public survey is available and residents/visitors are encouraged to share their views to allow the best possible provision to be developed. 

Celebrating retirement with an Oak Tree for the Applegarth

Mr Les Oakley, who has recently retired from Northallerton Town Council, planted an oak tree in the Applegarth surrounded by his family, workmates and councillors as a celebration of his time working here. Mr Oakley has been a valued employee for more than 20 years,...

Jubilee Tea Party

Local residents are invited to nominate someone in our community who has been their hero to join the Mayor of Northallerton and other guests at a celebratory Jubilee Tea Party during the afternoon of Sunday 5th June 2022.  Northallerton Town Council wants to recognise...

Celebrating 100 Years

Mary Middlemiss was born in Ripon in 1922 and has been a resident of Northallerton throughout her life. She was celebrating her 100th Birthday with her children and grandchildren and Cllr Paul Cornfoot, Deputy Mayor was pleased to present a bouquet to Mary saying “It...