Did you know that our town of Northallerton is twinned with Ormesson sur Marne, on the outskirts of Paris? (Of course you did, it’s on the town sign! )
So what is a twin town? Well town twinning is a non political scheme designed to encourage friendship and understanding. The national town twinning movement started very soon after 1945 with the passionate support of mayors and citizens who vowed that Europe should never again be torn apart by war
Most of the original twinnings were between countries divided by war.
Our ‘twinning’ has been going a relatively short time, since 1993.
So what happens with a twinning? Well, families in each town host people from their twin town at their home, usually for 3 nights. Groups often travel down together (pay own travel costs) and enjoy visits and a meal together whilst they are there. In Northallerton, this usually takes place at the end of May and this year, it is our ‘turn’ to go to France . And so, last week, we did!!
The benefits of this venture are enormous, from learning/brushing up a language, discovering new places and making new friendships.
If you are interested for next year in either going to France or hosting whilst they are in Northallerton, or both, do get in touch. Our email is or you can follow our adventures on our Facebook page at Northallerton Town Twinning Association.
Au revoir mes amis, à bientôt!